Featured Projects

Event Management Application

Event Management Application

April 2022
HTML/CSS React.js PHP Javascript MySQL

A web application for CSOC's security team to enable them to manage the scheduling and logging for services and events. Private application currently in production.



Jan 2022
MongoDB Express React NodeJS

A website featuring a list of my vinyl record collection. Most of the record data is pulled from Discogs. The album title, artist, UPC, album art URL and record ID are stored in MongoDB.



Nov 2021 - Present

"gssg" is my custom static site generator used for my portfolio site. Originally the site used Hugo, however I found that Hugo is overly complex for my needs. I developed gssg to make content management and site generation simpler.

Uns' Table

Uns' Table

Oct 2021 - Ludum Dare 48
C++ Windows

Ludum Dare 49 game jam entry, where the goal is to make a game from scratch in 48 hours. The theme for the jam was "unstable". Un's Table is a game about an unscrupulous merchant who orders you to fight monsters and bring him the specific loot he's asking for.



Jan 2022
Javascript MySQL NodeJS

SuNodeKu was our second group project for Full Stack boot camp. This project was about utilizing a MySQL database to create a RESTful API. It is a Sudoku game that uses API calls to play Sudoku, features leaderboards and a forum to ask for help on puzzles. My main contribution was the Sudoku game.



April 2021 - Ludum Dare 48
C++ Windows Linux

Ludum Dare 48 game jam entry, where the goal is to make a game from scratch in 48 hours. The theme of the jam was "despair", and the game is a futuristic dystopia in the theme of Dune/Cyberpunk. It is a simple platform game that I made that mostly focused on getting the feel/environment right.

Mini Projects

READMEgen 2.0

READMEgen 2.0

Jan 2022
Javascript NodeJS webpack SASS Bootstrap

This was a project done as an improvement to my README Generator homework to learn webpack and SASS. Provides live markdown rendering preview and file download.

Advent of Code 2021

Advent of Code 2021

Dec 2021

December 2021 adventofcode.com challenge

Retired Projects



Dec 2010

Wrote and published a Tic-Tac-Toe iOS game. The game included on-device multiplayer, AI, and local multiplayer over bluetooth.




A custom content management system for a gaming guild I was apart of in 2011. It was completely custom written with PHP and MySQL. Featured user accounts, admin management panel, and custom written forum. Not used in production